January 3
Unlocking Secrets
We may feel we know everything because knowlege has increased, but we can never know enough and many things remain locked to us. There are things we still cannot fathom. The Almighty wants to unlock His foundational strategies to us so we can glean greater dimensions, gain wisdom and insight. He wants us learn how to operate in better in a world where people lost senses and direction. He wants show us secrets in Time.
As knowledge will increase, both Darkness and Light, accelerate in both directions. In the hour of the end of times in approaching, Divine strategies are released to us to equip us, build, repair, heal, restore, and cast down, grow, mature, if we appropriate them.
In this divine makeover, our prayers release the force of armies of angels on Earth. Prison doors swing open, people in bondages are set free and hard rulers may change hearts or big shifts will take place.
The presence of light and multitudes of angels clears the spiritual atmosphere, and creates beautiful pathways for the new things to be established. Divine shifts clear the air for miracles to transpire and for revival to shower down on nations.
In a new flood of understanding, prayer strategies reveal the secrets in the spiritual realm to enable us to find the right actions to take.
Jeremiah 33:3: Call to Me and I will answer you, and tell you [and even show you] great and mighty things, [things which have been confined and hidden], which you do not know and understand and cannot distinguish.’