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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

There is Pain in the Lie

There is Pain in the Lie

Have you ever suddenly had a flood of thoughts bombarding you over past events, and suddenly felt sharp deep pain?  Or are you constantly in pain in your memories of many things that happened in your life?

This pain happens when a barrage of thoughts hit and am struck with pain…and then one day I got this epiphany:  “There is pain in the lie.”  

The answers came clearly as to the areas of lies as I sought what was the lie.

The Lies:

Pain in memories of the past.

Pain because of aching guilt.

Pain in the way people treat you.

Pain in loss.

Pain in daily life, struggles, difficulties, illnesses, finances.

Pain in loneliness.

Pain due to anger and bitterness.

Pain due to rejection

 Pain due to never getting healing emotionally, and even from the pain of death of loved ones…no rest in our souls

And the list goes on…identify them.

Now why would there be pain in a lie?  Isn’t pain a good thing, a barometer to warn us, isn’t pain given by God to teach us, and mature us, isn’t the cure for pain, does not pain change us for the better, isn’t pain good?

While good can come out of pain because God brings good out of evil and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, Romans 8:28; however, always pain is always rooted in a lie.  We live in a fallen world, so until the New Heaven and New Earth, pain is always a ploy of evil forces to hurt us.  The reason for this is, Satan is the father of lies.  John 8: 44.

The negative spirits hanging over the earth always malign, twist, fabricate, and screen delusions for us in our memories and daily events.  Due to these lies concocted daily, they bring in the sting of pain to our memories and events.  This means, we can never perceive truth so because of that, are in pain, in our relationships with one another, in pain with ourselves, and pain in our memories.  Negative energies and demons keep us bond to those lies.  He makes us believe we are hated, disliked, makes us believe everything is our fault; makes us feel that others want to destroy us, so in our fear we start to attack them, make us feel guilty about everything all the time.  He will cause us to see situations in a twisted concoction so that we will be bitter, angry and upset with others most of our lives.

The Truth:

Truth is bound in the Divine.  When we live in the presence of the Divine, healing comes. 

Truth to our situations will bring deliverance, freedom, and change of behavior.  This does not mean that we ignore what is hurting but means we learn to assess things in the light of their perspectives. For example, is someone is constantly hurting you, you may feel something is wrong with you, or someone rejects you, you may feel you are no good and others are better, but the truth is you are valuable and you will always be precious to someone on Earth.  Rejection never is a value tag on yourself.  Humans may sometimes change according to their circumstances, and walk another path, making you feel rejected, but this is the time to cling to Truth and realize your worth, and walk on the Path of Light and Truth and grow in different dimensions of your life.  Truth always opens us to avenues to realize our greatest potentials and transform us to a new level.  It never binds us to the muddy swamps of yesterday.

Truth brings healing.  Truth opens our heavenly purview to perceive situations in a heavenly light, which is pure, piercing and perceptive.  Divine Truth takes away the pain.

Ask God to give us Divine Truth, He pours His Truth to our situations to counteract the lies of negative spirits.  God also gives us wisdom in Divine Truth, teaching us what we should do and how to do it.

Jesus said, “The Truth will set us free John 8:31-32

Name the areas in your life where you experience pain, write them down, and then pray over them and ask God to show you the lie that is holding you in pain.  Ask Divine Truth to come into that area and deliver you.  You will suddenly see the whole situation in a new light and the pain will leave you!  It may take time, it may not happen easily right in the beginning but keep trying, healing and joy will come!


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