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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

The Tale of the Fruit Trees – Poem

Long ago, a thick forest grew Where fresh bright green trees Were covered With shimmering dew Over the span of years One fruit tree thrived Some did perish Others barely survived Listen to the tale of them As it goes

The Orange tree had oranges So rotten In bitterness it said, “I have been forgotten!” The Grape tree had Clusters of grapes so sour It constantly grumbled And was angry to the core

The Guava tree had its guavas So hard Defensive and angry Was always on guard The Melon tree selfishly Lived for itself all alone Soon all the melons Were stinking and gone!

Quietly in the corner An apple tree grew It soaked up the morning glistening dew In storm, in winter Summer and hard rain It yielded, bent, never angry or hard It stood to gain

How it lived each day produced the best fruit in time It weathered the storms Standing strong and sublime It learned the secret of living Did a lot of love and giving Yielding without fear In the end of time It gained the treasure Of everlasting fruits

Because it drew From the Kingdom of Light At its very roots It learned to live every single day in the Kingdom with might

It never complained Never got offended And loved at all times In the power Of the Kingdom of Light And in this secret It yielded everlasting fruit

Jeremiah 17:8: For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out her roots by the river, and shall not see when heat cometh, but her leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit.

Rita F. Kurian

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