January 4
The Sun will Rise with Healing on Wings
Our choices draw nearer to Truth. Truth is akin with holy reverence. While the Almighty is love, it is written, the “Fear or reverance of the Lord” is “the beginning of wisdom”. The Hebrew words yir’aṯ) and יp̄aḥaḏ are most commonly used to describe fear of God/El/Yahweh. Two types of fear as a lower “fear of punishment” and a higher “fear of divine awe of His glory.” When our spiritual eyes open, the avenues of truth start to shine in our lives and we live in wonder and awe of the Creator of the Universe:
1. The love of God keeps us pure. We cannot think of God because familiarity takes over. We take things for granted. Familiarity is the biggest killer. It keeps us in the dust and we cannot love or hear God anymore. The love/honor/reverence of God leaves and arrogance rules. Arrogance and ego allows negative forces to attack us. 2. Living in divine love and honor to God releases His favor to shine down on us. Like a diamond, everything we do sparkles and glows. Sometimes, it seems we are doing things in vain, but nothing is vain, and we will reap our rewards in our seasons and timings. 3. The sun of righteousness is His light that pours down on us, healing our minds, bodies, and spirits. 4. This is when we rise, and get freedom, joy and leap like calves ignited and stirred by supernatural joy. We then enter our pastures, the places of our blessing and fulfillment.
This all starts with a heart position, to love the Creator in awe and worship. The blessing pours them. If these times, it is a wonderful season of being in His presence, the inner chambers, intoxicated with His glory.
Malachi 4:2: “But for you who fear My name, the sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.