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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

The Moral of the Snake – Poem

One day, Jaya saw a green snake Glistening on the grass half awake She exclaimed “Beauty” let me take you home!” She took the snake in as Jaya often felt alone

Her friends did warn her not to take in a snake Saying, “A snake is a snake, it knows only to take Jaya never listened, just happy someone was with her Soon in time, the snake took over

The palace doors were locked and Jaya’s music died She sat alone with no real friends and often cried The snake snuffed out the very meaning of life Now, Jaya tried to throw the snake out But the snake entwined into her soul like a twisted knife She could not throw her out, no matter what she did The snake stuck on, and Jaya lost her grit

After many years, Jaya became very ill And the snake never let anyone in One night, when Jaya was very weak The snake gave her a venomous bite Jaya died without a fight

People know Jaya’s life went for a bad swing When Jaya first let the snake in The snake kept all the people a-bay Most of her close friends were thrown away In death ,a deeper mystery shrouds Jaya today People realize everything went wrong When that snake came to stay

If you know it’s a snake, never let it in Or it will stick close to you, skin to skin And soon keep you in a caged prison Because if evil lives in your home too long In time, it will become a tradition! By then, it’s too late to quell its derision In time, life fades away as in a vision.

Old Proverb: A cow drinks water and it turns to milk A snake drinks water And it turns to poison

© Rita

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