Lonely isles stand In raging frothing oceans Seagulls screech And fly in majestic motions Dark nights suffocate Holding hearts in fear When thick curtains Are draped across the sky Nights when storms scream Like banshees flying high Battered ships nearly to dash rocks People about to die The tattered ship That was ready to sink and bleed Where sharks hung around For the kill ready to feed Then suddenly A light blazes across the sea Illuminating and bright It shines to set captives free The ship turns to the Lighthouse With a ray of hope
Christ shines out to us On dark cruel nights When we sail in a storm Against the tides Shaken, tossed and thrown By the enemy of the light When violent howling winds Tear at us in a fight He draws us to Him A Lighthouse of protection Steering us to Him In the right direction That Lighthouse becomes Our stronghold to hide A fortress during the storm Where in Christ we abide
Until the storm passes We remain in the Lighthouse Until the Holy Spirit Opens the Lighthouse’s door Our divine compass Leads us through a safe route So in each storm in life Whether a storm in a teacup Or a wild storm crashing On lonely isles far off Know that the Light from the Lighthouse Will blaze through And God will take you in the Lighthouse And see you through!
Psalm 107:19: Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.
Proverbs 18:10 The Lord is like a strong tower, where the righteous can go and be safe.
Rita F. Kurian