January 12
The Cloak of Humility
A man once saw a vision of a battle on a hill. He saw men with brilliant flashing clothes where arrows struck fast and hit them. He then saw people garbed in simple cloaks, and the arrows could not find them, they were safe. The cloak of humility is drape of protection and elevation in a spiritual cloak.
While positive acts and thoughts transform lives, there are times when a person can fall. See the most powerful people lose grip of their power when another stronger one funded by a higher hierarchy aims to topple them down. In the day of a great man’s down, no one is around to help them.
We come to the stark reality of hard truth that the most powerful human can fall prey to destiny’s hard hand. But the secret lies here, when we come to zero, we become a “hero!”
Pride and ego has to die and pride our barrier needs to be removed. Ego is a block and once the heart is simple and humble, miracles happen under mantle of humility, when we operate under the mantle. Always keep moving forward. Angel armies accompany you and protect you when you walk in humility.
Every living being deserves respect and all humans are brothers and sisters
The cloak of humility is your strength and destroys the negative energy of ego.