Seasons mysteriously change Following the rhythm of the waves Whispering woods shiver And fearful hearts quiver Hard icy winters pass Shriveling up the gentle grass
An angry tumultuous storm Wrecks with a mighty roar Shakes all around a little bit more Some souls faint and sink Some lose their divine link
Yet some stronger souls In tough times brightly blaze Glowing through the foggy haze As time reveals silver secrets stored Something shifts in new season’s accord
In the Divine plan all is for a higher reason New buds bloom after the stormy season! Fresh Life stirs in the soil below crust Life that is not rattled by stormy gusts
Stronger, tougher, calmer and wiser A new season makes one a mightier riser In the realm of the new season One is shimmering and glowing Dipped in seasonal glory Flowing in Divinity’s trending story
Rita F. Kurian