These days, abundant peace encases me and it is ecstasy!
We get glimpses of peace and glory on Earth when we do certain things.
1. Gratefulness: We live a life of appreciation and gratefulness: In this, our mode changes from indifferent, bored or living in the dark shadows of fear of life. Suddenly a veil is torn off and we see life in the right perspective, a positive energy floods us and peace overflows. I am grateful to our Creator for most things, though for some things, I still grumble! 🙂 2. Joy: We cannot create joy, but when we just enjoy nature, a sunrise, sunset, walks, or doing anything with a happy spirit, we cultivate an attitude of praise, joy is released in our hearts. It is a practiced art.
3. Peace: Again, this peace is beyond human emotions. There may be times when we get incredible peace in a situation. Know that you are in the Presence of God’s glory who at that time, who fills us with peace. Living a life of prayer gives us the peace. In today’s world, there is no peace and wars and crimes increase but through prayer in bad times, waves of peace cocoon us. 4. Forgivness: There is no peace to the wicked, but God asks us to forgive because there is potent power in forgiveness. We have a slogan saying never forgive, never forget, but in exercising unforgiveness, we are opening the doors to negative energies and forces which will only destroy our own lives and we become prisoners of our own hate. There is no peace to the wicked, but in order to live in joy and peace, we have to forgive, and this releases greater things for us and others.
This is because we are living in the dimensions of Heaven in the Will of the Almighty by cultivating the right attitude, thoughts, and acts.