Waiting for things can drive people crazy, leading them to do things in desperation and a hurry. Waiting is never easy for the majority and makes people act up in the arm of the flesh which can give a temporary fix soon to fall apart at the seams in the test of turbid waters.
One rash hasty action begets another and another, until there are a series of mistakes..things done in impulse, a moment of passion, a moment of anger, a moment of rage, a moment of lust..all done in the periphery of a restless soul who never learned to wait and rest.
Sometimes, we dream for things that never seem to happen. Sometimes, prayers are speedily answered, sometimes hidden desires deep within are given in glorious answers to prayer swiftly.
In waiting, let go and let God and then let a miracle happen…
Stop waiting for life to happen. Rest and enjoy life in the waiting and then the anxiety scales will go down to zero.
When things happen, the wait will be worth it. Heaven does lift its veil at its appointed time. Sometimes we may not get things the way we expected, but in the end, we will realize that what we got was the best for us.
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
In all this, we learned that in waiting not on empty dreams or empty promises but waiting in faith. The Creator who makes things happen, many times births dreams and desires in us, ultimately brings them to pass, but teaches us in that process to develop character and patience. As a diamond is formed under deep pressure, high temperatures and long years, snug miles under the earth’s mantle, so are we!
Be patient as the quote says, because everything is coming together and whatever you are waiting for is on its way for you.