Have you ever sat through one of the Indian TV debates late at night? There will be around six little boxes, maybe more, showing the faces of the debaters, and an anchor who would start with a zesty bright speech trying to look cool and in control but weakly fading off helplessly once the squawking debaters start, perhaps not so helpless because they want the debates to go this way.
Well, let me tell you a little secret. It is not all that it looks like. The maulanas, seers, padris and priests have their feisty screaming match on television shows, and sometimes take it far too far by abusing each other’s religions. The last one on TV exploded into an atom bomb across India sending its reverberations across the globe.
While horrendous, worse were the dark death threats issued to the offender who now with her family lives in sheltered seclusion amid heavy security because their lives are in danger. Incidentally, another group from another nation rose in public malicious speeches to incite our neighbors to attack us; such is the shuddering earthquake rumbling through our land after the inflammatory debates of hate.
The gasping wide-eyed public across the nation sits through television abuse, soaking it all up, and then erupts in rage to start swearing, cursing one religious community to another.
Riots start, and some are tragically even shot dead, lynched, and killed. Recently, the government started new retaliatory measures using grotesque bulldozers to barge in and break down people's homes, mainly targetting a minority community.
In the heart of the violence, slurs and slanders are smeared mostly on the minority communities and you will see vicious Twitter campaigns sparking on with intensified abhorrence. Nothing makes sense anymore and many netizens stopped sleeping out of fear, however, the politicians snore sweetly through all the stormy dark clouds of communal toxicity.
In recent times, the BJP, which mostly uses the communal card, takes the Queen and wins the game where votes swerve towards them because they played their cards cunningly. But it does not always work this way, sometimes it turns against them, such as when they have lost heavily in State elections too.
All this happens, but the big fights on television shows are illusionary façades. The contesters are paid to come on shows (we hear it is a measly Rs. 5000) and spew poison on each other, all brawn torn to give a shivering show to the blood-thirsty crowds across the land. The debaters are spurred on to play dangerous games, not aware of the levels of putridity they are emitting similar to Dead or Alive or The Condemned, all mind games.
So here is my secret. Right after the 60-decibel screaming debate, you would think if they happened to bump into each other after the show, they would probably stab each other to death. I thought that for a long time, but here's the truth. After the show, they meet up, grin sheepishly at each other, put their arms around each other, smile for the camera, and then walk arm-in-arm for a hearty delicious meal together! So it was all a facade and we the people got conned!
The priests, padris, maulanas, seers, and sadhus are rented to screech at each other and abuse all done with the sole goal in mind of spiking up the TRPs of the Media and also politicians egging it on to win an election by dividing religious communities, you see, divide and rule.
Here is a picture of a maulana and a sadhu, arms lovingly locked, right after a screaming fight on television, which incited the public while they went on to have a hearty feast together!

Do you know, we the public are made fools all the time by falling for this religious vote game?
Eerily, one day, the “fun games” of fooling the people on television will no longer be games to surge TRPs because the levels of hatred they incited on the television sets will pour out rivers of poison through the nation and those toxic waters will flood their own homes to snatch their lives hurting everyone along the way.
What they started will come back to them....They did it all for 30 pieces of silver, they betrayed not only their communities but the nation.