Ten “Magical” Benefits of Green Chillies
There are marvellous great health benefits packed in green chillies eaten mostly raw for the best benefits, but never eat green chillies on an empty stomach!.
Avoid green chillies avoid if your stomach is sensitive and it is irritating your stomach lining! Also, if you cannot tolerate the small green chillies, try green capsicum instead.
“Magical” Benefits:
Protects Cardiovascular Health: Green chillies are very beneficial for the cardiovascular system. It reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis by reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and platelet aggregation, as well as increasing fibrinolytic activity. Fibrinolytic activity is the ability to prevent the formation of blood clots, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Weight loss: Green chillies come with zero calories and they speed up one’s metabolism as much as 50% for up to three hours after eating, so one can wondrously drop kilos far more easily with green chillies.
Good Mood Booster: When eaten, green chillies release endorphins that boost up a good mood! Eat more green chillies to release endorphins and keep your mood upbeat!
Pain Reliever: The endorphins also reduce pain, just try crunching some green chillies during a bout of pain, but once again, never eat green chillies on an empty stomach.
Keeps Body Cool: Interestingly enough capsaicin, found in green chillies although hot to taste, has been shown to lower body temperature by stimulating the cooling center of the hypothalamus in the brain. This is why, even in very hot places like India, green chillies are eaten gustily with no aggravation to the heat factor and works to keep people cool in hot climates!
Lowers Blood Sugar: Green chillies are proven to balance blood sugar levels. If you are diabetic, do add in some green chillies to your means and this would build up a great healthy diet.
Protects Against Cancer: Green chillies are loaded with antioxidants, that protect the body against free radicals by acting as natural scavengers and in turn work against the formation of cancer cells.
Protects Against Colds: Capsaicin in green chillies has a stimulating effect on the mucus membranes of the nose and sinuses. Capsaicin stimulates blood flow through the membranes and causes mucus secretion to become thinner. This action makes it beneficial in combating the common cold or sinus infections.
Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: The vitamin C in green chillies helps to fight diseases, infections, green chillies are also a natural source of iron, and a rich source for iron deficient people and are full of vitamin K that help decrease your risk of osteoporosis and also stops the risk of bleeding dangerously when cut or injured.
Antibacterial: Green chillies have a lot of antibacterial properties and can help treat skin infections.
Just include green chillies or green capsicum lavishly into your diet, along with your regular food and watch the difference in your life, honestly, green chillies will end most strife!