Mehdi Hasan, the television host from Washington DC spoke about the alarming fascist rise in India under BJP-affiliated-RSS.
Mehdi Hasan, television host from Washington DC’s Speech about India’s Rising Fascism
Mehdi Hasan television host from Washington DC spoke on his show, clearly distraught about how Narendra Modi and his party the BJP are bent on creating a lost Hindu Kingdom called Hindu Rashtra, openly championing Hindu nationalists’ supremacist ideology. He said in alarm that scholars are now literally warning about an impending genocide in India.
Hasan said in his show that minorities, such as Muslims, Christians, and others are facing the greatest threats to their existence. He pointed out that Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse from the RSS who are Hindu nationalists.
Drawing a parallel to the white supremacists in the USA, who are still the fringe, he said in horror, imagine if the white supremacists could get trained and get politically organized as is the RSS who were founded in 1925, deeply into the politics of Mussolini and Hitler.
He said a senior member of the RSS, Palash Ghosh wrote an article gloating about the race pride of Nazi Germany as did Sadashiv Golwalkar who wrote “To keep up the purity of the nation and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of Semitic races – the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan to learn and profit by”
Mehdi Hasan specified that the Hindutva nationalist movement should not be confused with the religion “Hinduism”. He said that the 2011 Norway attacks, referred to in Norway as 22 July or as 22/7, by Norwegian far-right domestic terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik who killed 77 people in dreadful bomb attacks cited Hindutva in his 1500 page manifesto pledging “military support to the nationalists in the Indian civil war and the deportation of all Muslims from India.
Anders Behring Breivik said that the far-right Islamaphobic movements in India and Europe should “learn from each other” because “our goals are more or less identical” and even added a link to the RSS website.
Mehdi Hasan said that while the RSS is scary, what is even more frightening is how politically successful they have been. Hasan went on to say that PM Modi was a long-time organizer in the RSS earlier and is now head of the RSS’s political party affiliate, the BJP. He said that during the time of the horrific Gujarat Massacre in 2002, Modi was in charge of Gujarat at the time when police had orders to allow the Hindu mobs to attack the Muslims, kill them, and set their homes on fire.
The pogrom went on for three days, uninterrupted with no help from the government and in fact, the police stood by and watched while the Hindutva mobs burned Muslim homes, stores, hotels, and restaurants. Muslims were burned to death during the raging massacre. It is estimated between 1000 to 2000 people was killed in Gujarat, with the vast majority being Muslims.
Western researchers have called it a one-sided systemic pogrom backed by the BJP. Both Indian and International human rights groups say the Gujarat government was complicit and the massacre may have been premeditated and not spontaneous. Even the US government had banned Narendra Modi from entering the US at that time; however, all this changed once he became prime minister in 2014 and they became buddies.
Mehdi Hasan said Barack Obama wrote Modi’s TIME 100 2015 listing Narendra Modi as one of the most influential people in the world calling him a reformer in chief. Trump took it further to the altar tying the knot marrying the far-right politics of the world’s two biggest democracies.
Hasan went on the say meanwhile, in India, since Narendra Modi came into office, hate crimes against minorities have skyrocketed and attacks raged across India inflicted on Christians, Dalits, others, and mostly Muslims now. Lynchings of Muslims who may have eaten or even transported cows, Muslims are being hacked to death while their attackers chant anti-Muslim slogans while they are dying, Hindu extremist priests calling for the rape of Muslim women. BBC remarked that unprovoked attacks on Muslims have become routine in India but evoke no condemnation from the ruling political party, the BJP.
Hasan said that the Modi government is complicit in all this, and last week, authorities in Delhi took nine bulldozers and raised down Muslim houses, and shops and destroyed parts of a mosque while the people were inside.
Hasan exclaimed that Modi’s government claims that Muslims who came from Bangladesh generations ago are not rightful citizens of India and if they cannot prove they are Indians, they will be sent to transit camps, which are mass detentions centers that critics have likened to concentration camps with boundary walls, watchtowers and there are already six of them with thousands of detainees.
Hasan said that hate speech by BJP politicians skyrocketed by 500% as discovered. Home Minister Amit Shah called migrants “termites” in 2019. The man who will likely succeed Modi is Yogi Adityanath who called India’s top Muslim actor (Shah Rukh Khan) no different than a terrorist. He called Muslim lawmakers a “green virus affecting the country.” One count found more than a hundred instances of hate speeches in Adityanath’s speeches just from last November 2021 until February 2022.
Hasan said in alarm and horror, “It’s just not the BJP, look at another Hindu nationalist, Pooja Shakun, and sharing a clip of her speech said, “This is dark stuff”. where she says “We are ready to kill and go to jail,” she says. “If every 100 (Hindus) can kill 2 million of them, (Muslims) we will be victorious.”
Hasan ends with the global far-right movement and Hindutva is part of it. Mehdi Hasan said emotionally, “Some in the West have been kings to call out the Orbans, the Le Pens, and the Putins of this world, but not many of them say a word about what Modi is up to. Joe Biden even invited the Indian Prime Minister to his Democracy Summit at the White House in December!
Mehdi Hasan ends soberly by asking, “What will it take for Western governments to speak out on this issue? He asks on a final strong note that hits hard, “How many more Indian Muslims or Christians need to die?”
Putin. Orban. Le Pen. We talk a lot in the West about the rise of far-right authoritarians & yet we never mention India's Narendra Modi and his BJP. On the @MehdiHasanShow, I did a deep-dive into India under Modi & new warnings of an anti-Muslim — Mehdi Hasan (@mehdirhasan) April 26, 2022
(The Gujarat massacre started due to the Godhra train burning that occurred on the morning of 27 February 2002 where 59 Hindu pilgrims and karsevaks returning from Ayodhya, were killed in a fire inside the Sabarmati Express train near the Godhra railway station in Gujarat allegedly after a fight between the Hindus and Muslims on the platform. A commission set up by the Government of Gujarat to investigate the train burning spent 6 years going over the details of the case and concluded that the fire was arson committed by a Muslim mob of 1,000 to 2,000 people.
A commission appointed by the central government, whose appointment was later held to be unconstitutional, stated that the fire had been an accident. A court convicted a group of 31 Muslim individuals for the incident and the conspiracy for the crime. The conviction was later upheld by the Gujarat High Court. The causes of the fire are frequently disputed. The event is widely perceived as the trigger for the Gujarat riots that followed, which resulted in widespread loss of life, destruction of property, and homelessness)
Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi’s India by By Dexter Filkins from the New Yorker shared gory details of the riots. Some of the worst things done were rioters cutting open the bellies of pregnant women, and killing their babies; others gang-raped women, girls. A Muslim boy was forced to drink kerosene and swallow a lighted match. Ehsan Jafri, an elderly Congress politician, was paraded naked and then dismembered and burned. Many are still waiting for justice.
Over 100 ex-bureaucrats write to PM Modi to Stop the Politics of Hate
The former civil servants expressed in the letter to Prime Minister Modi pleading to him to end the politics of hate.
The former civil servants also said they believe the threat is unprecedented owing to which not only is the constitutional morality and conduct at risk, the unique syncretic social fabric, “which is our greatest civilizational inheritance and which our Constitution is so meticulously designed to conserve, is likely to be torn apart”.
They appealed to Modi, asking him to take “heart” from his promise of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’.
Your silence is deafening, end the politics of hate: Over 100 ex-bureaucrats write to PM Modi. The 100 former bureaucrats include former NSA and Ex-Delhi Governor.
Serial Attacks on Christians and Churches, Burning Bibles and even Killing
Christians and churches across India are also being attacked. Last year on a single Sunday, there was a targeted attack on fifteen churches across India, people, including women, were brutally beaten in different places in India on Sunday, October 3, 2021. One may ask, who is funding this violence:
Over the last few years, there have been intensified attempts to subdue, frighten and even kill Christians. Reports are not taken in and the violence or killings do not allude to religion.
The Christians are saying they do not spare even children. They express they feel they are not living in India and something strange is going on and for the first time made to feel they are not Indians and are very shaken.
Sunday Worship service was disrupted in Kansepur a town in Yamunanagar district in the Indian state of Haryana.
There are church attacks in Madhya Pradesh, and a recent one in Betul, Madhya Pradesh · Pastor Yalam Shankar from Chhattisgarh, was brutally killed on March 17, 2022.
Pastor Deva from Villupuram District in Tamil Nadu informed Persecution Relief that on 8th March around 11 PM he got a call from the local villagers that somebody has set ablaze the church building and not only churches but Bible are being set on fire.
Many simple village Christians are being thrown out of their villages, losing home properties everything simply because they are Christians. A man called Prem Lal was beaten and later was excommunicated from a village because of his faith in Jesus. He was living in a shelter made of plastic sheets with his 3 small children and wife. Persecution Relief helped him to resettle in a different village.
As shared by Persecution Relief, a woman called Devi from Bihar is heartbroken because she along with her four children has been thrown out of her village because they are Christians. They are left with nothing and Persecution Relief is helping them through this stormy season.

Another Pasto Narendra Besra who was attacked recently in Jharkhand is recovering.
Click on the links below:
A church Building burned to ashes in the Sukma district of Chhattisgarh.
Bible & Christian Literature are being burned in a village in Chhattisgarh state.
Pastor Besra, was attacked in Jharkhand state and has deep wounds on his head, chest, and hands.
Brutal attacks on Christians are rising and here is a man, whose legs were broken during a horrific attack.

Muslims are experiencing constant waves of violent attacks, their settlements burned down, and hate speech spewed at them with also lynching and killings.
Dr. Jaishankar External Affairs Minister tells the European Union: No Country Will Define to India about Human Rights Violations
Dr. Jaishankar External Affairs Minister of India recently said to the European Union/European Commission that no country will define to India about human rights violations or dictate their terms about human rights violations. It is not quite clear what he meant by that. However, he did fail to recognize that the complaints and rumbles are coming from within India. No nation in the world will dare to interfere if a country is treating all its citizens well.