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June 20 – Life in the Spirit

Writer's picture: ritafarhatkurianritafarhatkurian

June 20 – Life in the Spirit

John 14: 16-17: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

This is a short testimony of a wonderful prayer warrior, CL. Mareydt, a lady of great faith in USA who is a powerful inspirational writer and co-owner of a magazine, A Word Fitly Spoken.  Her spirit-filled walk has inspired thousands including me!

  She grew up in a Christian home amidst a happy country-life setting.  However, she did not really know Christ and as she grew older, she turned to the world, looking for liberation. Soon the systems started to swallow her up and she found herself immersed in greater darkness.  Soon, she started crying for more of God. Christ miraculously did begin to reveal Himself to her. She picked up on words spoken in the TV evangelists and testimony programs that she just happened to turn to!  Her husband’s wonderful godly Grandmother also prayed hard for the family, which she only found out years later.  crying out for more from Jesus than what she was seeing and living, not only for herself but for her little family too. CL. Mareydt started interceding hard for her family too, her husband, daughter (her son was born later), as she was becoming more and more uncomfortable inside and outside with her life and the way it was headed.  One day, they visited a small church which had a revival service.  CL. Mareydt along with husband went forward for the altar call.  She felt the draw upon her heart was so extraordinarily powerful, and almost ran up to the prayer line. Someone prayed for her and she received Jesus Christ into her heart. The next morning when she woke up, nothing in her life was the same.  Christ supernaturally and radically swept into her heart and changed her, from the inside out! Christ literally rescued her, delivered her on the spot from all fleshly habits, healed her spiritually, soulfully, and naturally in “one supernatural swoop of His Holy Spirit. Like a pocket being turned inside out … I was transformed!” in her words!  During those first initial weeks preceding my salvation and being baptized in the Holy Spirit, She said, “I literally smiled more than I had ever smiled in my whole life. My face muscles ached because I was so happy! My whole world looked different. Everything was bright and new, full of delight again just like when I was a child. I was seeing life as a new creation in Christ and He had my complete attention….my journey as wife and mother and most of all a servant of the Lord, changed from immaturity to the matured. And, nothing do I claim as my own doing. Walking and running on the narrow path with the Holy Spirit.  She has a powerful walk in the Spirit and also says, My heartfelt studies on the ‘Rapture’ of the Remnant has helped to ignited me beyond this earthly realm as the Holy Spirit has kept His truths burning and alive deep within my being. Selah!  Jesus is not finished with me yet.”

As believers, we need to learn to walk in the Spirit every day with constant prayers, being the watchmen and women on the wall.  Surrender to Him daily, and keep in pace with Him

24/7. Build ourselves in His mighty Word, the Holy Bible and being doers of the Word and not empty vessels!  It is only then that we will experience His fullness and glory in our lives.

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