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  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

July 13 – A Communion Walk Changes Everything #spiritualinspiration

July 13 – A Communion Walk Changes Everything

While pain and sorrow brings us closer to God where we experience His Presence in deeper ways, we cannot expect to go through pain throughout our lives to experience the Lord’s mighty presence in our lives.

We sometimes travel through the land of the wilderness with howling winds and empty deserted plains where fear operates and demons dare to snare us. Yet, in this wilderness way, there is a miraculous way out! God keeps sharing this age-old secret with us, but somehow we just did not get it…a lot of us did not…what? The communion way!

To illustrate, here is an incident, which happened in the supernatural realm hitting a family in the natural realm. One night, years ago, there was an all-night prayer meeting held in a couple’s home. After a wonderful glorious night of prayer, they felt they were dwelling on the mountain top, infallible and mighty, so they dropped on the sliding scale of prayer, devotion and communion. Over the next few days, it seemed a bit of their infallibility was fading.

A couple of weeks later, many of the family members caught a viral fever, they were miserable and low in their ill health and their finances fell down during that difficult time, so they could not even get proper treatment from a hospital. In all this, family tensions brewed between the husband and wife and the children were disturbed and troubled. Fights ensued and the rest was history, a very bad season of fights and illnesses and financial lows. The family sadly declared that Satan’s arsenal was firing them heavily for doing “Kingdom Work” We can be targets of satanic arsenal in building God’s Kingdom, but there is another side of truth to this. The old destroyer flies around to find folks comfortable or too tired or deadbeat, and disconnected from the Lord in their comfort zones or turmoil zones and attacks them.

We live by this line sometimes, “once we know God, nothing can touch us”. Nothing can be further than the truth! In this lie, we see millions of believers hit badly and spiritually low in the battlefield because they do not reckon that they are in a spiritual battle as long as they live on earth.

1 Peter 5:8 – Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

The ugly truth is the flying destroyer heavily targets those serving in ministry and other believers who want to walk close with God. This is because many of the “seasoned ones” are riding on a spiritual wave of security of feeling they have “arrived so they rarely feel the need to commune with the Lord through the day, nor do they meditate on the Word and only offer short prayers to the Lord! Sadly, much rotten fruit is witnessed there when there is a disconnect from the Lord!

The truth is nothing can touch us if we are dwelling in the Shekinah dwelling of God. So how do we dwell in the Shekinah dwelling? The wonderful secret is connection. Cord means “attach to” so we attach ourselves to God through communion who supplies us deeper spiritual life through the Holy Spirit. The practice of communion can transform and empower our lives to a new richer dimension. Jesus said in John 15:7 “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” The whole key is abiding through a communion connection

Sometimes we wander far, so far from God, and it seems so hard to get back, so hard to talk to Him, so hard to do anything to reach back and in those times, our prayers dwindle down to ashes to fly away in the wind.

Always remember, you are never too far gone to call for help. When you are in swirling thick mists groping your way along, remember, help is just a cry away… Jeremiah 33:3: 3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. God is a God of restorations and new beginnings and He is a God who hears the cries of people on Earth. Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  Keep talking to Him


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