There are many realms which speak to us:
The first realm is us. We could hear our own thoughts, and we can dream from our subconscious minds a lot. The things submerged in our subconscious and unconscious mind comes to surface because a lot of old thoughts come to the surface. While if our hearts are pure, we can hear right, but if we are highly opinionated, hasty, judgmental or very emotional, we can be led astray. We have to rest in the Divine and clear our minds, first.
The Holy Book: Reading the Holy Book guides us, and is confirmed by supernatural peace within and also new doors in that direction to confirm this is the right way.
Signs from Outside: Sometimes we keep seeing the same thing over and over and think God is speaking to us. It can be God, time will reveal it, plus your inner peace.
Negative energies, atmosphere: The devil is the prince of the air so he speaks a lot to us through atmosphere. Demons speaks a lot through an external voices and false impressions, fake news, and lies, voices in the head, even visions and dreams that bring confusion. God also gives us visions and dreams but we need to learn to recognize the difference.
Often, we find a lot of confusion and chaos after the dreams and visions of negatives spirits.
The best way to hear God is to read the Holy Book, meditate and then listen deep into your belly, to hear the powerful but silent Voice of the Holy Spirit. Time and experience will train you and the more you ask Him; He will show and train you how to hear His voice. Communion with God brings the greatest peace and listening releases the springs of joy of living waters.