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Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

  • Writer's pictureritafarhatkurian

February 10 – Prevailing Prayer Over Situations and the World

February 10 – Prevailing Prayer Over Situations and the World

Daniel 2:21-22:  And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise. And knowledge to those who have understanding.

22 He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.

The word “persist” in Webster’s dictionary means “to stand or be fixed, to continue steadfastly and firmly in the pursuit of any cause, to pursue, not receding from the purpose, not to give up or abandon.” That persistent widow wanted justice and didn’t turn in her pursuit and in the end, the judge answered her request because of her persistence. 

We need to pray for the world, for situations, and for governments, for the persecuted church, and all believers and for all the people in the world. However, these prayers sometimes are very complex. It is far easier to pray for ourselves than for others or world situations or governments.   The reason is there are many strongholds chaining governments and situations. Evil workings behind the scene also prevent prayers from being answered swiftly. People are bound by their stubborn will or influenced by demons.  

Thus, in order to enable God to coordinate situations and circumstances and people together, we have to practice persistent prayer.  God can do everything in a split second, but our persistence is a step of partnering with Him in prayer. Jesus practiced persistence in His prayer.

In order to develop persistent prayer, recognize the urgency of the hour.  We need to pray systematically until we really gain a true understanding of powerful prevailing prayer.  Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to the situations around you and in the world. In this way, your prayer burdens will deepen, you will see the groans of the people, prisoners chained in dark dungeons, hunger, sadness and sorrow.  Jesus said, “I came to set the captives free!” We are in His will when we pray for them.

Persistence begins with having a desire, which is given by God.

If it is not from God, this desire will fade away.

This desire deepens in a daily walk with the Holy Spirit.

As you keep praying, you will experience the fire of the Holy Spirit blaze your soul.

As you keep persisting, you will sense the pain of others, you will sense their persecution.

As you persist in your prayers, purification refines you through His holy fire.

Soon, you are rid of repeated praying and God will give you new insights on what to pray.

Intercession rises higher in learning the art of prevailing prayer.

The Holy Spirit will show you how to pray for leaders and governments.

There are times when you need wisdom not to reveal all the Lord is revealing because the enemy works to block it and sometimes, we need to prayer out our prayer strategies alone or perhaps with another trusted prayer partner, unless He gives you a likeminded group of people to pray together with the same prayer strategy.

God takes our prevailing prayers very seriously and lifts us up to the Throne where breakthrough resounds and reverberates back to Earth with special blessings and turnarounds!


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