April 22 – Raise your Words, not Your Voice

April 22 – Words that Build
People’s negative words can destroy us and leave scars in our soul. We cannot control what people say to us, but we can control what we say to others, and hold back negative words and learn to practice speaking positive words that give life. As our great 13th-century Persian poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Mohammad Rūmī,, popularly simply as Rumi, says, “Raise your words not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder,” it is evident violent words will only bring destruction.
Spiritually, in times of trouble, God will give you more strength as you meditate on the Holy Book. The more we read the Word of God, the stronger we become. Reading does not change us, but meditating and letting God’s Spirit work in us does.
God’s Word is forever transforming and life giving. When you speak His words by faith…
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