April 17 – There is a time for everything #spiritual

April 17 – There is a time for everything
Presently, the world is going through a pandemic together, while it might be uniting many, we also see great divisions, hatred and violence in these times, racism stalks people like the plague, sometimes we say, it might be worse than Corona!
In all this, we must know that seasons come and go and the bad days of Corona will be over just as seasons change. Even bad governments fall, because every cycle must have its end. This is the rhythm of life. The best thing to do is to be strong, centered, peaceful and keep doing what you do. Panic, fear, worry, anxiety will only make it terrible and unbearable. Over thinking should have no place in your life because negative thoughts can destroy us. Be patient, pray, meditate, and the bad things will be removed.
For painful memories, we need…
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