April 13 – In the Maze of Illusions #spiritual

April 13
We are living in a world of externals. Everything that looks good on the outside seems alright. When we find someone that’s attractive or beautiful, most of us assume they are good people or we simply adore them. If someone is not so attractive, we may tend to ignore them or overlook them. We see this in social media, if someone looks pretty, they get a whole lot more attention. The truth is looks are deceptive. Hence the illusion. People who are wrapped up in their own lives could be obsessed with themselves, their own beauty to such a degree that they can never feel sorrow for others.
Souls searching people are deeper. They read about events, read the news, listen to the woes of others. This is how character is developed. When we go beyond ourselves, we can become better people. However, if we live in…
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